Fitness Intro

As I said in the description, I will be also doing a bit of fitness posting (not too much initially). I will be doing an NPC Men’s Physique bodybuilding competition in September, and this will serve as a way to chronicle my progress, as well as hopefully answer anyone else’s questions regarding fitness/bodybuilding. I am by no means an expert regarding the subject, but I have been steadily progressing and learning as I go regarding nutrition, workouts, and physiology.

To start off, I have been lifting since HS (2011-12 ish) without ANY nutrition or knowledge whatsoever, and sprinkled with bro science, I started to put on some size. I never had the consistency, intensity, or nutrition that I have found to be extremely important regarding the sport. When I graduated HS, I was weighing in at 145lbs at 5’10, I was really lanky, with the only thing going for me being a decent shoulder build from countless years of being a swimmer.

I started college in the Fall of 2013, and tried to keep up lifting weights, but found myself to be less consistent than I wanted (1-3 days a week). My nutrition was also bad (huge caloric deficits, with little actual macro count), meaning I was pretty much making no gains. I didn’t really start lifting seriously again until Spring 2015, and this is where I really took the time to analyze my approach to weightlifting, asked myself what I wanted to accomplish, and then made the decision to compete in an actual bodybuilding show.


Above is me at the start of the Spring 2015 semester. I weighed ~143lbs (yes I actually LOST weight in college). I was probably around 15% body fat in this picture. I could barely squat 135lbs, my bench max was 185lbs, deadlift max was 255lbs, and over head press of 80lbs. When you engage your body back into heavy physical activity after a long reprisal, your muscle cells become extremely easy to stimulate, allowing you to grow muscle and lose fat at the same time. From April 2015-September 2015 I began my journey to become “shredded”, to emulate my idol in HS; ZYZZ, and also to achieve an aesthetic physique like Frank Zane. To achieve this I needed low bf, good muscle density and maturity, and size. I started to diet and had good supplementation. I found out the macronutrients I needed to build muscle, and I tried my hardest to stay lean while continuing to grow. image2

This picture is taken in October 2015, at the end of my cutting phase/attempt to build muscle (peep the sick SSR flag and Bride seat and cover HEHE). I managed to cut down to ~6% bodyfat, and increased the weight I was able to lift in every major power movement. My squat shot up to 265lbs, bench went up to 235lbs, deadlift to 335lbs, and over head press to 115lbs. I was also able to grow in while still retaining low body fat levels. I did more research, and decided that to prepare for this competition, I needed to put on more muscle and size. I began a bulk, which is a huge caloric surplus. I calculated my Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), and began to eat enough calories in excess of that. I found a good macronutrient ratio that will effectively allow me to perform well on days where I lift heavy. I found that a 50% carb 30% protein and 20% fat ratio is the most effective for energy levels, strength, endurance, and all around growth. I began my bulk in October 2015 weighing in at 162 lbs at ~6% bodyfat.

Upon beginning my bulk, I have made progress exceeding my original expectations. I began reverse dieting (loading up on carbs and eating clean meals in high volume). In the first picture, in these pictures I weighed 170, and 172 lbs, and I was still able to retain lean ness and low bodyfat of around ~10%. My goal is to approach 190lbs, while staying as lean as possible towards the end of March-early April, and then begin cutting for the competition in September. As of today I weigh 177lbs, and my lifts have increased with the influx of carbs in the diet. My squat went up to 315lbs, bench to 255lbs, deadlift up to 405lbs, and overhead press of 155lbs. I will be posting a workout routine later for my bulk, as well as macro ratios, nutrition and diet facts.